Stefan Allen-Hickey, LCSW

Specialties: relationship issues, anxiety and depression.

Rates: $230 · individual session | $280 · couples session


“I became a therapist because I was curious about the unfulfilled hopes people have for their lives. I spent years studying various approaches dedicated to helping adults unlearn their negative ideas that govern their thoughts and impede personal growth.”


Q & A

How do you describe your counseling style?

I practice a style of therapy that emphasizes empowerment and have found that my strength lies in helping people explore the fears that cause them to stagnate in relationships. The work I do is trauma-informed and takes into account the paradoxical notion that while many traumas originate in hurtful contact with other people, it is also through connection with others that these same traumas can begin to heal.

What kind of patients do you work best with?

I work best with ambitious people who are questioning what is important to them and/or whether or not they are on the right path in life. The work I do attempts to delineate and separate normative expectations from real desire, allowing people to become acquainted with what they find truly meaningful.

What books have made the biggest impact on your life?

There are a lot of possible candidates but topping the list is A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole. I’ve read it at least five times and find that it gets goofier and more incisive with each read. I love it. Nothing I have ever read has made me laugh harder.


Listen to Stefan’s self-care playlist


Get in touch with Stefan to schedule a session.
