Katy Haney, LMSW

Specialties: trauma, relationships, depression, anxiety. couples therapy

Rates: $250 · individual session | $300 · couples session


“I work with individuals and couples who are navigating the complexities of being human and in relationship with others. I practice in a psychodynamic and psychoanalytically informed way with a belief that it is through the therapy relationship we can understand ourselves more fully and heal. In my work with patients, I aim to help you become more conscious of unconscious patterns that keep you disconnected from yourself and others and help you develop a deeper connection to your body and emotions. Through a deeper understanding of yourself, you can transform emotional suffering and live more authentically. My work is informed by years of practice and training on the ways our childhood experiences impact our self-image, relationships, and emotional wellbeing.”


Q & A

What patients do you work best with?

I work best with patients who are curious about the psychological roots of their emotional suffering. This is the foundation of psychodynamic and psychoanalytic psychotherapy- to make the unconscious conscious through self-reflection, self-examination, while using the therapeutic relationship between the therapist and patient to see and understand relationship patterns. In tandem with this, I incorporate somatic therapy to deepen patient’s experience.

What is a misconception people have about trauma?

I work with a lot of people who misunderstand the definition of trauma and feel scared to identify with it. Many people believe trauma is exclusive to life-threatening events so when they examine their own early history they think and say, “it wasn’t that bad compared to xyz.”

I have spent a lot of time training and studying developmental trauma which is when biological needs for connection, attunement, trust, autonomy, and love were not met in childhood. When patients have developmental trauma, they often have difficulty feeling truly connected to themselves and others and suffer from low self-worth, self criticism, perfectionism, anxiety, and depression.


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